Tuesday, February 23, 2010

M4 Mommies

Last week I spent five days with my best friend Tasha. And yep, you guessed it, we are both pregnant! Tasha is due on March 4 (my birthday) and I'm due May 4. We've shared many milestones in life (having been friends since the age of four, that has a way of happening). We'd always teased about being pregnant together, and then I jumped the gun and gave birth to Marin in July 2007. Seems I have a history of jumping the gun...graduating college, getting married...there is a pattern developing here. So, upon discovering that we were pregnant together and that Tasha was two months ahead of me, I was elated!

Above is a picture that was taken during my short trip to Virginia to just "be" with my prego friend. Lots of talking, napping, eating, shopping. All of the things pregnant women do when they are together...and it was perfect.

Thank you, Tasha, for a wonderful vacation. Can't wait until the day our little ones meet face to face. I love you.


  1. You two look beautiful! And I love the matching shirts!

  2. Thanks, Jenny. The matching shirts was an attempt to recreate a funny memory of us in high school. We decided to have professional portraits taken wearing magenta t-shirt suits (remember those?). Anyway, in every photo we looked like a two headed, pink monster wearing HUGE hoop earrings. I thought about digging out that old photo and posting it here, but some things are better left as memories.

  3. What beautiful women you two are! It brings great joy to see ya'll sharing this experience. It seems like only yesterday that we were at Tasha's Strawberry Shortcake birthday party. So many awesome memories and more to come. Mom



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