Monday, July 8, 2013

Knock, Knock Birthday Party {The Invitation}

Marin has a "thing" for knock, knock jokes. It's a recent discovery and it just so happens that this new found fascination corresponds with her sixth birthday. I'm always trying to think of party themes based on the current interest of my children. For two reasons, 1. because they are usually consumed by the item/insect/animal or curiosity and 2. it helps me archive this period of their life. What they were in to. What made them smile. Where they were developmentally. I often worry about my ability to remember details of their childhood. Birthdays are a big deal around here and so why not use them to archive not only their age, but their interest. Thus, this Knock, Knock Birthday Party theme developed.
We snapped a picture of Marin in her favorite swimming suit. She has a summer birthday and is learning to swim, so a swimming party was in order. I cut her out using Photoshop.
To pull off the theme idea, I knew a door would have to be incorporated into the invitation design. So, the first joke on the invitation has to do with a door.
"Knock, Knock." "Who's there?" "Theodore" "Theodore Who?" "Theodore is closed. Please open it!"

When the invitation is folded, you see just her face peeking through the top of the door.
Next, we needed to introduce that it was a swimming party, so we used:
"Knock, Knock." "Who's there?" "Less" "Less Who?" "Less go for a swim!"

and finally we needed to acknowledge the birthday girl so we closed with:
"Knock, Knock." "Who's there?" "Abby" "Abby Who?" "Abby Birthday Marin!"

The invitation was designed so that you can print everything on one sheet of letter size card stock, cut it in half and then accordion fold the two pieces. We cut out the window of the door and then, taped the two pieces together.

The final invitation is an odd size 3" x 4.5," so we had to make our own envelopes. However, if you shop for #4 Coin Envelope there are options for purchasing them. Here is the envelope template we created:
We spent an evening hand delivering these fun, joke filled invitations to friends and family, but also sent out an invitation via Facebook. The best part was when friends and family members sent their RSVP in the form of a knock, knock joke. Here were a few of my favorites:

Knock, knock
Who's there?
Mayonnaise, who?
Mayonnaise's gonna be a lotta people at Marin's party!
Tee hee. See ya there!
Knock, knock!
...knock, knock!!
We're not home! We're going to Marin's party!
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Orange who?"
"Orange you glad we're coming."
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Boo who?
Don't cry! We are coming!
Knock, Knock!
Who's there? 
Sherwood who? 
Sherwood like to come.
And we plan to!!! :) Happy 6th Birthday to Marin!

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