Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Au Revoir Rusty Water

It's never just choosing paint colors and shopping for antiques when owning an old home. More often it's fun stuff like being at the END of an ancient, city water line main that supplies your home with rusty, sediment filled water.

If you follow the progress of our house, you know we had MAJOR plumbing work done complete with custom cultured marble showers, re chromed faucets and two new potties. You can imagine our desire to delay using these new luxuries until the rust issue was resolved. After many phone calls to the city, a trip to the local water lab for testing and some um, unpleasant "discussions" between my spouse and I, the city is hooking us to a new water supply line!!!!

These photos show two of the four holes the city dug yesterday. Hope to be celebrating our new, clean water supply by purchasing NEW kitchen towels. Just not feelin' the "once white, now rust stained" towel look anymore.

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