Thursday, January 10, 2013

Coralee's First Birthday

Coralee shared her first birthday celebration with her Daddy. Our theme was "head bumps" because it's their thing. They give head bumps. Noggin lovin' is another term we use to describe their affection. No matter what you choose to call it, I LOVE it and it melts my heart every time I see them do it. I'm not naive enough to think we're the only family to share this affection, but I thought it was super special that we were able to make it our party theme.
In sticking with tradition, I made Coralee's birthday hat. It's a simple, vintage inspired black and cream design. I found it funny that most of her first birthday matched her Sip-N-See party. Something about Coralee, apart from her name, screams a message from the past. All the beauty I see in things that grow better with age. Happy Birthday my sweet. I love you. And so do all of these beautiful people...

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