Thursday, June 7, 2012

Our New Patio

I don't know how many times, while giving tours to friends and family, I've said: "The plan is to make this room our family room with a set of french doors going out onto a patio into the back yard." Two down, one to go! We have french doors AND a fresh new patio!!!! My hardworking hubby and his Dad did all the work on forming, pouring and finishing our new, wash gravel patio. Here are a few shots of the process.
Can you believe how agile my father-in-law is? Amazing to watch how fast and hard he works.
 The girls watching paw paw and Daddy in action. 
Today Steven is burring a pipe for the rain gutter to drain into and then we'll be working on the flower bed between the house and the sidewalk. We are already enjoying the new space. Here's proof:


  1. Woohoo! Dreams DO come true! Looks amazing.

  2. How exciting! It looks great! -Elizabeth
