Saturday, February 4, 2012

John 16:21 {Coralee's Birth}

Before I had children I was terrified of childbirth. Seriously thought it might be something I wouldn't survive. That is, until I witnessed a natural childbirth with a midwife in a birth center. Calm, rested, happy mommy. Alert, baby placed on mommy's chest for warmth. Quiet, comfortable atmosphere. No beeping monitors. No bright lights. Yes, please!

Coralee's birth was hard work. It was painful at times. And in the thick of it I wanted out. But all those feelings vanished the moment her warm, fresh, little body entered the world and my arms. It's a mountain top feeling. That moment when you face the most challenging task of your life and win. A rush of emotion. A swelling of relief, pride, excitement. Witnessing the miracle of birth with a clear focused, awareness and full involvement of all your sense is a ride like no other.

A few photos from the ride that was Coralee. January 1, 2012.
It's a girl!
First kiss.
A proud, and very excited big sister says hello.


  1. Krystina, this is beautiful!! I can't even see what I'm typing through the tears. :-) You are amazing! I'm so excited that you were able to birth Coralee into this world in the solitude of the birth center. While life is "intense" at times, you experienced victory! Love you and thank you for sharing these pictures and your story. ~ Darci

  2. Oh, wonderful sister-in-love...I can't thank you enough for sharing your three experiences with me. This verse and your post give me such anticipated joy, which have completely overridden my fears.

    I thank and love you and our magnificent Creator!

  3. Thank you, Krystina, for such a sweet description of a tender time of your life. And thank you for allowing me to be a part of it. You captured the beauty of the moment so completely with your words. I love you! Mom
