Friday, November 4, 2011

Felt Mermaid Tail Costumes {Halloween 2011}

Marin wanted to be a mermaid for Halloween this year so to simplify things, both girls were mermaids. The tails were inspired by this pattern I saw on the Miss Pretty Pretty Etsy store. She sells a pattern if you are interested. I loved her use of colorful felt and the concept of the tails attaching around the waist with velcro. I fashioned the mermaid tails from butcher paper and then cut from felt once I was happy with the size. I bought simple shirts and leggings and attached felt shell boobs. To make the headbands I cut seaweed shapes and starfish (stuffed with cotton) from felt attaching them with hot glue. If you'd like to make your own here is a template for the seaweed and starfish.
I just had to include this last photo, as this is often how Halloween and trick-or-treating feels. Just a rushed blur of kids running from house to house. Moms reminding them to "be careful," "watch for cars," "don't go inside anyone's  home" and "SLOW DOWN." Tee hee hee. I'm so grateful to my sister-n-law Christy for escorting Marin most of the night. This seven month pregnant mama was content to sit with baby Adalyn on the hay ride eating skittles.


  1. I love the design you added to the bottom of the tails. Do you have a pattern for that?

  2. Hi! Thank you. No, I don't have a pattern, I just free handed the design, but MissPrettyPretty on Esty sells a similar one
