Friday, August 26, 2011

While I Was Away, We’ve been busy…

Eating nutritious meals for the new growing baby. That’s right baby number three is due Jan 8. Above is the 20 week ultrasound photo taken yesterday. Boy? Girl? You’ll have to wait until 2012 to find out.
Attending ballet class with Marin the Ballerina. This photo is from her first class.
Spending entirely too much time on pinterest.
Learning to eat with a fork.
Researching preK curriculum for Marin. Think I’ve settled on starting with this preK Scholars curriculum.
Filling out my Belly book for baby #3. My most treasured pregnancy possessions are my belly books. I’ve made it a tradition to buy every friend family member one of these upon hearing of her pregnancy.
Vacationing with Family in Wimberly, Texas.
Studying for the Captains exam at the fire station.
Reading the book Sarah's Key, by Tatiana de Rosnay.
Going to the theatre to watch the Winnie the Pooh movie.

Cleaning the floors in my house with this dandy Bissell steam mop I borrowed from a friend.