Friday, April 29, 2011

Fabric Easter Basket {Moda Bake Shop Recipe}

Saw this adorable fabric basket pattern two years ago and thought "hey! That's cute. How hard could it be?" Let me just start by saying I love to sew and I rarely get angry when sewing, but chica, hand sewing six yards of fabric covered piping together, by hand, is FOR THE BIRDS. Yours truly began this project the Sunday before Easter. With pipping and fabric in hand I sewed together the strips of fabric from a Moda Scrap Bag that my friend Angie gave me and began wrapping the piping. Two hours later I had seven yards of fabric wrapped piping and DOUBT that I'd ever finish the project loomed in the back of my mind. Tuesday evening I pulled it out to begin hand sewing it together. About 30 minutes later I was FINSIHED. DONE. Not complete, mind you, but FINISHED. No way in the world was I going to finish the basket before Easter, so I placed everything neatly in a ziplock bag and put it in the box marked "things to give away."

Friday afternoon my mom came over and asked how the fabric basket was coming along. I sheepishly pulled the ziplock bag out of the box and told her I was DONE. After showing her the tedious process of HAND stitching the sucker she suggested hot glue. UREKA!!!!!! And there you have it, 45 minutes later we had a finished, ready for Easter, Fabric Easter basket. Ta Da. Enjoy looking at these people, because THIS blog will never feature a project like this ever again.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Fun {Dying Eggs}

Finding time for FUN the in the week leading up to Easter was challenging. That's why I'm so super proud of having pulled this simple egg dying activity together for Marin and her friend Hannah. A special thank you to my mom for making very one of their egg decorating ideas come to life even if that meant multiple layers of dye and paint.

Marin LOVED the face stickers that I bought. It was a simple way for her to decorate the eggs. Her favorite face was the princess one below (of course).
 The two eggs above were created by coloring on the egg with a white crayon before dying and then we colored between the lines with Q-tips soaked in food coloring. They remind me of a child's drawing.
More Easter posts to come!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring Vacation {Virginia and Washington DC}

A few photos from our trip to Virginia and Washington DC. Spent 10 days with my parents and our friends Tasha and Steven. Amazing trip with such beautiful sites and moving historial places. Choosing just a handful of pictures was difficult, but I thought these summarized the get away.
Mt Vernon (George Washington's Home)
Shenandoah National Park
Saw all of the Washington DC monuments in one day.

Fun in Fredricksburg, VA

Gardens at Monticello (Thomas Jefferson's home)
Enjoyed shopping, cooking and eating dinner with our friends.
Took advantage of serendipitous moments like this outdoor carnival themed ice cream café.

And a dream come true for me...the Washington Cheery Tress in their peak blooming period.

 An unforgettable family vacation...