Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Plumbing {The Good the Bad and the Ugly}

The floors are finished! Hooray! But you'll have to wait to see pictures, just like we are waiting to walk on them! In the mean time, we are focused on plumbing.

Above is a photo of the old sink we've been using daily since we moved into the house. I remember walking into the bathroom and asking the lady that was showing us the house "is, um, this bathroom useable?" She seemed surprised I would even ask such a question! Funny how people adjust to the unusual over time. Anyway, we've grown to like this old sink and were elated when our plumber offered to give us a "couple old sinks I have sitting around." One of those free sinks matched our old faithful! It was decided right then and there, that these matching sinks would be used in our new master bath! Free sink picture below. Pretty close match eh?!
On Sunday, the three of us piled into our old 1995 GMC truck and hauled old faithful, it's new matching partner, an old, 5 and a half foot, claw foot tub and the world's smallest (cutest) sink to Houston for refinishing. We had a blast that day crossing our fingers that the truck would make it and enjoying the closeness. Kevin Jerding of Gallaway Porcelain Works in Houston is handing the refinishing work on the tubs and sinks. The plan is to paint the underside of the sink and tubs an almond color and have the feet of the tub chromed. Can't wait to show you finished pictures!
What happened to the bathroom we are currently using you might ask? Well, that's where the ugly comes in. Yuck!

Steven spent most of Saturday taking down the old sink and installing a NEW, old sink in it's place. The wall was super yucky so we took the opportunity to clean. You never know what to expect once you dig into old plumbing, so we began the project with the worst in mind. In the end, Steven replaced the drain line and replaced seals in the faucets to prevent leaking. Hoping this new setup will suffice until this portion of the house is remodeled. Separate hot and cold faucets. Hum...just another unusual to adjust too right?
Speaking of faucets. We've searched and searched for shelf back faucets (see below) to replace our old faucets, and have finally decided it would be best to just have the old ones rebuilt and re chromed. Stay tuned!

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