Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Carving Party 2009 {aka PCP '09}

I'm slightly embarrassed by the lack of photos from this year's party. I was so focused on actually carving MY pumpkin I didn't even think to take photos. Everyone had a great time. The food was wonderful, the pumpkins were clever and there was a MARRIAGE PROPOSAL!?! What? At our annual pumpkin party?! Wow. Too exciting. My Sister and her boyfriend Jesse have been dating for years and he choose our party to pop the question!!! A very clever proposal that included the carving of an abstract pumpkin made for an extremely happy Katherine.
If you missed this years party you missed tons of fun. Who knows what excitement next year holds. So, mark your calendars now. PCP is always on the Saturday before Halloween. What will you carve?
P.S. If you took pics at the party please share them with me!

1 comment:

  1. :D I had a great time!!! hehehe...
    Jesse couldn't have chosen a better occasion! Thank you Krystina for continuing to hold one of the BEST parties of the year!!!! :D
    Love you!
