Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day Steven

I'm sure Steven would have rather been sailing, or fishing or even taking a nap would have been a better father's day weekend activity...instead he rented a jack hammer and took out solid concrete steps from the back corner of our house. We have plumbers coming tomorrow...oops, well, technically today since it's 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday. They'll be installing a tankless waterheater on the wall photographed here and we'll be replacing the siding once they are done with their portion of the work. We needed to remove these steps so that the siding will be even at the bottom and because they no longer serve a purpose. That's why Steven worked on Saturday, in the heat, for seven hours.

Yes, I helped as much as I could. This pile of rocks is my handy work. Moving all of the rubble from the steps into the back of the truck was my job.

Finished product below. I know, it doesn't look like much to you, but that's life in an old house. Working your butt off for hours and days and when you are finished, nobody but you can appreciate the effort and time.
And now, for my favorite part of the day, this picture of Steven and Marin. How beautiful is the connection they have? Steven is such a wonderful father. Marin and I are truly blessed to call him daddy and husband. He is: hard working, resourceful, faithful, loving, funny, talented, dedicated, gentle, strong and courageous. He was by my side throughout the 30 hours it took to bring Marin into the world and he hasn't stepped away since. He is wonderful with Marin and I feel quite confident he does more with/for her than the average daddy does with a 2 year old. I'm deeply in love with you Steven. Thank you for being such a wonderful Father.


  1. *tear* Your post made me all watery. beautiful picture of daddy and his girl!

  2. You're right...I think he does do more for his precious little girl (and his amazing wife) then most fathers do. :)
    You got yourself a good one there Tina!! hehehe...

    I could tell Saturday evening that he had put in quite a day, but I could also tell that he was proud of the work that he had done. He's a good man.

    Happy {belated} Father's Day Steven!

  3. The picture of Steven and Marin is absolutely Perfect! So Sweet!

  4. Yes he is a great father, great husband and does do more than the average father with his daughter. He is a great friend to! Happy Fathers Day my good friend. Love you guys ricky t
