Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weekend in Review

What a busy holiday weekend! Lots of fun with family and friends. Here’s a recap.

Friday: Kept Jami for a couple hours Friday evening so that Dan and Darci could enjoy a date night. Jami did great and really enjoyed our walk. These pictures are courtesy of my cell phone. I kept sending Darci updates to let her know that Jami really was happy! Hum, this could be “future me.” Two kids….am I ready for that?!

Saturday: Marin and I joined “the girls” for a day of WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING. We met for breakfast at la Madeline where we met Kyle’s mother Kelly, his grandmother Susan and his sister Kayla. Elizabeth’s best friend Amanda joined us too. She’s six months pregnant and is already a super cute mommy. The day was full of silly fun and beautiful gowns. A perfect girls’ day!

Meanwhile the male portion of my family (aka Steven) hit the road with his buddy Ricky for a day ride on the motorcycles. They logged a total of 250.2 miles and hours of fun. They spent portions of the day dodging rain or waiting it out with other motorcycles, determined to make the most of their holiday, but all in all they had a blast. Ricky said every town they stopped in they were treated “small town style” but what else would you expect? Steven and Ricky can strike up a conversation with a pole! They agreed the best parts of the trip were highways 149 and 3090. Lots of curves! (Hum, I think they must like their women like they like their roads! ) Sorry…back on topic. They had lunch in Montgomery, Texas and brought home gifts for their girls. Marin has enjoyed her Margaret Wise Brown book and I’m already envisioning a sewing project with the fabric Steven bought me.

Photo above by Hannah Taylor.

Saturday evening we all headed over to Aunt Belvia and Uncle Roberts house to celebrate Grandma Posey’s 83 birthday. I’d have taken pictures, but it was dark by the time we got there. It was a lovely evening with family gathered around white table cloth covered tables; the laughter and mummer of good conversation filling the evening air. Happy Birthday, Popey. We love you.

Sunday: We met family at The Pickett House for lunch. I’m not one to crave southern soul food, but I rarely turn down the opportunity to savor their chicken and dumplings. Yum, yum!

Monday: We had lunch at Mom’s house and the guys went fishing. They caught over 30 fish in all. Here is Steven proudly displaying his Gaspergoo trophy fish and Daniel with a stringer full.

Monday evening Steven took me to the Lakeside RV Resort and Marina for dinner. The sunset meal was a perfect ending to a fun filled weekend. Thank you Steven, for good food and fun conversation. I could have stayed there all night. I love you.


  1. It was a perfect girls day last weekend!! I had a blast with ya'll!!! :)

    I'm glad that you had a wonderful date night too Tina!!


  2. P.S. LOVE the pics of the fish!! :)
