Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Joshua Coburn: A Texas A&M University Graduate

Who: My brother Joshua (A Second Generation Aggie)
What: His Graduation from Texas A&M University
With: A degree in Construction Science
When: Friday, May 15, 2009
Where: College Station, Texas
Wow: There were close to 1500 students who crossed the platform with Joshua and his ceremony was only one of three scheduled for that day. I think I heard there were 5,000 students graduating Spring 2009.

Joshua's graduation was a proud moment for all of us, but especially for mom and dad.

I've been told my blog is a bit girlie. Maybe this picture will "guy it up."

Favorite pic from the day. Ring, diploma and a cool graduate.

Dad checking to make sure the diploma is in the tube. It was! Whew!

Marin was a trooper. She sat through the three hour event and was the best behaved child in our section despite everything taking place during her typical nap time. She was understandably asleep before we were out of the parking lot.

Group shot! It's weird to see my family so grown up. I still imagine mom and dad with six kids when I think of our family.

We can not take family pictures without some funky fun. Somehow the tradition of a "crazy picture" began. Someone always shouts "Now let's do a crazy one." I always love these moments. They are a perfect opportunity for personal expression.

Congratulations, Joshua. We love you!


  1. steven cracks me up in this last pic. LOL!
    congrats Josh! woohoo!!!!

  2. :D I love love love this post!!! :) Of course I'm kinda partial to it...hehehe...

    I am SOOOOOOO happy for Joshua in his accomplishment!! YOU GO BROTHER - YOU'VE WORKED HARD FOR IT ALL!!!!!

    :) These pictures are wonderful Krystina, I'm so happy that you were able to capture the moment.

    love you,

  3. This was a good day! :) I'm glad we were all together.
