Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Tooth Fairy Stage

It's happened. My first born lost her first tooth. I'm having such a hard time dealing with my feelings about this stage.
Excitement for her and for instituting new family traditions
Sadness because she's growing up so fast and I'm worried I'll blink and she'll be finishing college.
Shock that I'm old enough to have a child loosing teeth.
Pressure to come up with the worlds greatest, most fun, meaningful tooth fairy traditions.
Love because I have a sweet little one who is growing into a beautiful little lady who believes wholeheartedly in fairies, princesses and the color pink. 

So, here you have it folks a tiny, magical, pink, glittered letter from the tooth fairy and two gold dollars. Let's hope it sparks her imagination and carries us all down a road full of magical tooth fairy filled years.

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