Thursday, June 21, 2012

Marin's Ballet Recital {May 19, 2012}

 Do you SEE that face? Oh, my....I can't tell you how much I hope that the weekend of May 19, 2012 is one that Marin remembers with fondness. Because I'm going to tell you, right now, I would never survive as a "Dance Mom." Seriously. That much makeup and hairspray on a four year old just feels WRONG. Speaking of makeup, the best moment was when Marin insisted that she KNEW how to put on makeup and so thought to myself "okay, I'll let her do the blush." Handing her the blush I turned to do something else and when I looked back she was applying pink rouge to every surface of her face. I think I might have over reacted just a tad when I realized what she was doing. Below is a shot of the second attempt.
I can't tell you why really, but I was SO NERVOUS for Marin. I guess this was our first performance oriented demonstration and I had such fears for her. What if she falls? Or what if they do something cute and people laugh? Marin HATES for people to laugh at her even when she is being funny. What if she can't find her "x" or what if another little girl stands on Marin's "x". How will she react? Marin sees things in black and white. No grey areas allowed. Something either is or isn't and if there is a rule, or practice, that's just the way things are. So for something to CHANGE is challenging. All my worry was in vain. She was a star!
She will be turning five next month. Funny, to think about her begging to take ballet when she was only three and I told her she had to wait until she was four. At the time, that was nine months away. She waited patiently and ballet was the first thing on her mind after her fourth birthday party. This post has a picture of her first class.

Giving each of my girls extended, focused attention, or one on one time, is difficult and rare. This was a special time for me and for Marin. Doing girly stuff. Spending time with close friends and doing something new outside of both our comfort zones.
A little glimpse of the "back stage" activities. Mermaid coloring pages for everyone. That and a wild and crazy round of UNO.  

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