Thursday, May 24, 2012

Metamorphosis {aka The Very Hungry Caterpillar}

Just so you know, my mom is really cool.

She makes finding caterpillars and putting them in containers for her granddaughters a priority. End result? They L.O.V.E "Ganny." Here are photos of Granny and the girls on May 8. Hello new caterpillar friend that we will check on daily with great anticipation of metamorphosis.
For the last 16 days this little fella was given prominent placement on their dresser and checked with diligence each day for progress. Today May 24, 2012, was a BIG deal because their caterpillar became "a beautiful butterfly." (Excuse the hair, ahem. We were playing in the sprinkler just before the release.)
The object of our affection was a gulf fritillary butterfly. Here is a great video on its life cycle.
Thank you, again Granny.

1 comment:

  1. Granny loved it too! Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures. I love influencing them to love nature.
