Sunday, January 16, 2011

What I've Been Up To: My Marin

This blog is called "Bit-O-Me" for a reason. There are many things that make up a life and this blog is a place to share those many things in mine. Mothering is one of the bigger bits. So, the next two posts are going to be a recap on my girls. Maybe it will give you glimpse into what we've been up to during my blogging absence.

When your child's curiosity is piqued by a new hobby, it's quite hard not fill your hard drive with every crazy snap shot. I've resisted the urge to keep every blurry pic, but I'm really loving these abstract photos she captures by holding the camera too close to an object. I'll not torture you with more, but I find these bright colors inspiring.

Flower girl extraordinaire!
In December Marin fulfilled her role as flower girl for the third time this year! Yes, I said third. And yes, I made two of the three dresses. Otherwise I think we'd need to start buying stock in David's Bridal! Do you know how much people will pay for a flower girl dress! (yipes). Marin loves to dress up and is enamored with princesses, but she isn't keen on having her picture taken by a stranger in environments she isn't comfortable in. SO, needless to say, she's wonderful at wearing pretty clothes and dropping flower petals, but smiling for the camera...not so much.

September 2010
July 2010
But SEE, if I ask her to put on a dress and smile...

Or if you have cows she can look at while wearing a pretty dress...
Christmas To say Marin LOVED Christmas this year is an understatement. We listed to Kids Christmas music every time we got in the car and "Jingle Bells" was her favorite HANDS DOWN. She even wrote her own version of the second verse. Jingle Bells has a second verse? Yeh, who knew? (A day or two a grow, I taught I'd take a ride, soon this banny bod, was seated by my side, what you say is say, what you see is day, I got into a chickamix and we got outside....ohhhhhhh!!! Jingle bells, Jingle bells...)
Christmas lights were facinating to her and we spent many an evening driving around to see them. Even ride them! I bombarded her with ways to learn the real meaning of Christmas, and found the most effective were this Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set and the movie The Very First Noel. While playing with the nativity set she insists in calling Joseph "God." The father figure in the scenario can be a bit confusing. She'll learn.
Christmas morning we enjoyed the company of this smiling little lady who is thrilled with the world when she is eating pancakes and wearing anything to do with Dora the Explorer.

1 comment:

  1. Krystina, I really enjoyed your posts on each of the girls. They are SO sweet and growing up TOO fast! We really enjoyed getting to babysit them for you and Steven. Love you!
