Friday, January 28, 2011

Adalyn {Eye Candy Actions}

Encase you didn't know, my husband is wonderful.

For Christmas he bought me a set of PhotoShop actions that I've been eying for a year. Sheye Rosemeyer's Eye Candy Actions. Just wouldn't let myself spend the money. Yep, that's right, he had to find the blog, figure out the name of the set, purchase, download and store the files on my computer. And that's where I found them, on my desktop with a star icon that said "Merry Christmas."

So, since Christmas I've been dying to take photos of Adalyn and Marin in early morning sun. Not easy to do with two little ones to dress (warmly). Here are Adalyn's pics. Marin's will come later. Can you believe my Baby A is almost 9 months old!?

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