Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pumpkin Carving Party 2010 {aka PCP '10}

My family is a hoot and this year they were ALL at the 2010 Pumpkin Carving Party. All 14 of us! So, naturally we had to take a family picture and it's tradition that after the "formal posed" photo we do a crazy shot. Always entertaining! We served Taco Soup and Boudin and guests brought pies! Yum. Steven is a great cook and the soup was a tasty hit.

And the pinata for this year was a slice of pumpkin pie. Sadly this is the best photo I have of this little beauty. And if you read my post about past PCP pinatas, you'll notice I did NOT take step by step photos of my process. Maybe next year.

The outdoor showing of "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" was a BIG hit with the guests (adults and kids alike)!

Did I mention that my best friend flew in from Virginia and brought her adorable pumpkin head, baby M, with her? Aren't the matching pumpkin caps too cute for words.
Another successful party. Onward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Hello cooler weather and family time!

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