Friday, June 4, 2010

The Many Musical Modes of David Coburn

My brother, David, is an extremely talented musician. He plays the violin, piano, organ and hand bells. A recital was recently held to showcase his talents. The invitation design above is something I came up with for the event.

The design was inspired by an Old Navy brand, grey and black, hooded jacket David wears as often as possible. It's been worn so much he has begun sewing the worn spots together with yellow thread. Sure hated that mom didn't let him wear the jacket during the recital (wink, wink). There were about 100 guests at the recital and David's performance was phenomenal. My favorite portion of the event was when David played the song he composed on the piano and was accompanied by his violin teacher. The emotion and feeling that went into writing that piece of music could be felt so strong. Bravo David...Encore!

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