Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So Long Sarah {We Miss You Already!}

Sarah, does NOT like having her picture taken. I've never seen anything like it. She won't look at the camera! It's like she's on the FBIs most wanted list and refuses to be captured on film. But I found her weak spot. PROPS!!!! Give her something to be silly with and she shines. Not surprising. Fun + Silly = Sarah.

Our Sarah left for Peru yesterday. I know Joshua's heart it aching....hers too. A year and a half must feel like a century to them right now, but the scary thing is a year and a half goes by so much faster as you age. Time will fly...I promise.

Until then, Sarah, be safe, have fun (call Joshua often) and come home full of energy, love and stories of adventure.


  1. Oh my gooooooneeeeeess!! Did Doshua give you permission, or did you assume my contentment with photos was a sign for "blog a go"? Thank you for your superbulous photography and splendid writing! I love you and the entire famjamily, and can't wait to see you all in aproximately 130 days....a little less.

  2. Also, there are many a type-o's in that comment....please excuse these. Thank you.
