Sunday, June 7, 2009

Marin's First Fishing Trip

Thursday afternoon Steven took Marin fishing. He was so excited about exposing Marin to the world of fishing. I think he had visions of the special daddy daughter time they would share. He couldn't wait to create a hobby they would enjoy together.

Marin loved the pond, she loved helping daddy make her first fishing rod out of a cane pole and wanted to help him get the hook and worm ready. Things were going just as Steven envisioned. They sat on the end of the dock, handmade pole in hand, just daddy and his baby Marin, waiting for a bite. Then they caught Marin's first fish.

There was a wiggle on the end of the pole and the bobber went out of site. Marin jumped and was instantly afraid. With each following fish her fear became more intense. The last catch was brought it while Marin clung to daddy's neck repeating "mommy? daddy? I scared..." The dream world was gone.

Steven saved her first fish thinking I would want pictures. Below is Marin and her first fish. Maybe Steven will try fishing with her again…next year. Sorry daddy.

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